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These resources are licensed under a Creative Commons, attribution, non-derivative, and non-commercial license. You may download and use unaltered copies of these resources for non-commercial purposes. Any use of these resources must include clear reference to their author and source: Julie Mooney, in the midst Educational Consulting. Thank you for respecting these requirements for ethical use of this work.
Settler Starting Points Infographic
Settler Starting Points: A process model for non-Indigenous educators engaging in decolonizing teaching and curricular practices
University Education
Settler-scholars’ engagement with decolonizing teaching practices and centring Indigenous Knowledges in Canadian higher education
Annual Goals
This annual goals template can be adapted for your particular professional and personal goals and can be incorporated into your reflective practice, to support ongoing growth and development.
Five-Year Plan
This five-year plan template is designed to provide a brief overview of your annual goals for a five-year timeframe. Like the annual goals template, this template can be incorporated into your reflective practice, to support ongoing growth and development.
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